How to find the lost object by Numerology?
Trace Lost Object with Numerology : There are many methods in ‘Hindu Shastra’ and ‘astrology‘ to find out any lost object. For example, Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Intuition, Prashna Jyotish, Prashna kundalini in Hindu Shastra and Falnama in ‘Islamic tantra’ etc.
In the above-mentioned methodologies, one needs to have a deep knowledge of the subject to trace the lost object by Numerology.
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In Indian Astrology, the astrologer notes down the correct Pacific Time, date and place of the lost object. Then the Astro-chart of that particular time zone in context to the lost subject is created cautiously. If the Arithmetic calculation goes wrong then the final result turns out to be incorrect. Hence one has to be perfect in calculations while creating the detailed Birth-chart or Prashna-kundalini of the lost object.
However, when it comes to Numerology, the person can trace the ‘Lost Object’ within 2 to 3 minutes. This is an ancient system of numerology which tells us whether the ‘Lost object’ can be found or not and if yes, then when and where.
It is believed in Numerology that each number has a specific vibration and it is due to the fact that every particular thought gets reflected in each number, in our day to day life.
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Step 1:
Think of a number spontaneously, without any break. The person is asked to mention any 9 digits that come to his mind instantly. These 9 digits can be between 1 and 9.
Please note that any digit can be repeated in due course of the thought process.
Step 2:
Make a note of the series of digits between 1 and 9 mentioned by the person.
Step 3:
Add all the digits.
Step 4:
Add 3 to the sum of all these digits.
Step 5:
Lastly, refer to the final number/reading for interpretation which comes after the addition of all the above-mentioned digits.

For example, A person named Ramesh comes to me and asks Nirav, “I have lost object (my watch), can you please help me know if I can find my expensive watch, if YES then when and where (place) can I find it?
I will ask Ramesh to speak out any 9 random numbers between 1 and 9.
Ramesh says: 1,7,1,3,2,9,7,6,3
1+7+1+3+2+9+7+6+2+1 = 39.
Now, I will add 3 to the above digits of 39, i.e. 39 + 3= 42.
Hence, our final number is 42.
Now, refer to the interpretation given for Number 42.
42: It is close to water bodies or in the house of the servant/servant quarters.
The above reading gives an exact answer to Ramesh. He should search his watch in the water bodies, i.e near to water tank in the house /Kitchen/washroom or wherever the water source is located.
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The interpretation of the readings of those 84 numbers is as follows:
1. Search in the drawing-room or into the master bedroom; near to the white cotton area or you may even look after the child who will give you a clue.
2. It is located within the house or very close to the flower (vase), bowl, and ask the maids or servants to search.
3. It is among the book or wardrobe, between the papers or into the passage.
4. It is not lost, it will be found in your possession.
5. It is not lost, you have to look under some headgear, under a cloak, it may be somewhere around the clothes hanging.
6. It is located near to the shoe rack or shelf, show stand.
7. Ask your Maid or servant. A woman has kept it somewhere while arranging door wardrobe or bed.
8. It is on the top of the cupboard or wardrobe or shelf or in some drawer. A Maid or woman servant will help you to find the object.
9. It is located in a child’s clothes.
10. It is located in the drawing-room. Have faith you will find it in a few hours.
11. It is at some distance but not located in your house. It is likely to be near the water bodies like an overhead tank, pool, water body.
12. Search at your workplace or where you keep the books and files or paper, it is in a very safe zone.
13. Search inter-cloakroom or where you keep your shawls.
14. Recovery is very doubtful. Try to search it in the washroom, lavatory, sewer or drainage.
15. Ask the wife/husband and check the stable or where the animals are kept.
16. There is a very good chance of recovery, Ask your Chef or cook.
17. Check it out where you keep your valuable good or work of art for probably on the drawer or shelf.
18. It is misplaced in your house you will find it among the clothes or a wardrobe.
19. It is located in the small passage or lane, a very short distance away from your home.
20. It is not lost. You will find it near the water body or on your some carpet or linen.
21. It is in your own possession, you will find it in the trunk or to the box which folds into 2 parts.
22. You will soon find it because it is under a shelf in the house.
23. It is located under your wardrobe among dirty clothes or maybe a short distance away from your home.
24. It is safe for you. You will find it sooner.
25. Search in your own personal belongings. It is located somewhere around white and round.
26. Ask the elder person of the house as they might have kept it safely.
27. Search where animals are kept. Ask the chauffeur or look for it in the garage.
28. It is lost but you will find it very soon.
29. You will get back. Ask your old maid or servant who may give you a very useful hint.
30. Ask the children it has been lost in the Play or in the garden.
31. Search into the bathroom OR washing place OR closet.
32. Look to the passage or veranda, corridor or near to the balcony.
33. You will find it among the clothes or personal belonging.
34. It will be soon found as it is located near to the fire or fireplace probably in the kitchen.
35. Try near the bathroom, near to the washing area, for near to a secret spot where the water is located (water tank or overhead tank).
36. Your servant will return it.
37. Find it into the meditation or prayer room or in some private apartment.
38. Don’t worry. You will get it back. You need to make a short journey to the place which has been utilized by you may be the work zone or your personal belongings.
39. It is not lost but accidentally it has been put under the shelf or wardrobe.
40. Someone has wrapped it up into the clothes or turban, or undergarment or other apparel.
41. It is located near to the shoe rack.
42. It is very close to the water bodies or into the house of the servant.
43. You will find it, probably in the garage or where the animal is kept.
44. It is near to the oil container or to the lamp. You will find it but it will need some sort of purification.
45. It is located under the shelf for wardrobe. It is as good as found.
46. Your partner or spouse has put it in a safe location.
47. 2 servants are working together ask them they will help you in searching for the object.
48. It is located near to the drinking water.
49. It is virtually lost by you or for you, it is almost lost. Even if you find it will be in a damaged condition.
50. It is located on the trunk or box. You will find it.
51. Check in the bathroom or lavatory. You will find it.
52. Ask the head servant of the house OR your partner or relative. It has change hands.
53. A Male servant might be in possession of your object you will find it.
54. Search near to the children’s room or study table for the place where children generally play as It is within the family only.
55. It is near to the drinking water or draining place or where the water bodies located.
56. It is probably where you last stopped on your journey to contact the people there and you will find it.
57. It is probably in your sports equipment on in the bag or into the pocket you have the article.
58. It is very difficult to recover the object. Two people are in possession of it and it may have been converted into different form OR tampered.
59. Question your old servant she/he may have found it into the flour- some sorts of powder which is required for cooking.
60. It is lost forever. Better forget the object.
61. It is very near to the shoe rack OR the lowest part of the house.
62. It will not be found.
63. It is located in your personal belonging or in the old darkroom.
64. Look into the dark corners of the house or high places or in the attics.
65. The chances of finding it are very low it has gone out of your hand and you may need to employ an agent to recover it.
66. It is as good as lost. Two servants are involved in the theft.
67. You will find it. Young Child will help you.
68. Ask your maid for a servant to fetch for you from the top of the house or terrace.
69. It is at some distance away perhaps where you last have been. it may be near to the entrance of a relative’s house.
70. It is near to the water bodies it will be found.
71. You have to search for it on the floor.
72. Search is very close to the water body or pot or tank. It is in your possession.
73. Lodge complain with the Police you will get faster recovery.
74. A Faithful servant will get for you.
75. You will find it, but it will be in a very damaged condition, as it is in the hands of a youngster.
76. It is located where you keep the grains, cereals, or foodstuffs.
77. It is located at a very short distance away. A servant will help you to bring an object to you.
78. It is as good as lost.
79. You will have it search near to the iron cupboard or other metal objects.
80. It is in your own possession probably in the box or trunk or in the shoe rack.
81. Search among the clothes or in wardrobe. If you are lucky you will find it
82. Look in the kitchen area.
83. It is near to the water tank or pool; a young girl will help to recover the lost object.
84. It is located in the box or trunk or in the case within the house.
Let me know how helpful did you find this blog on: “How to trace the lost object by Numerology”
Nirav Hiingu
In your blog about lost article you have said to say any nine numbers from 1-9 but in example Ramesh has giver 10,numbers and you too have calculated 10 numbers. Can you explain it why?
Nirav Hiingu
that is my mistake, will rectify it, thanks for pointing out the error.
Divya Dixit
I had lost 2 diamond and gold finger and requested Nirav for his help, believe me or not, I found my rings with 40 mins after he told me where it could possibly be. Had it not been for Nirav, I would’ve never ever thought of looking for the rings in that place.. I can’t tell you how grateful i’m to him and forever in debt. Whoever has a problem pls get in touch with him and without any second thoughts do as told . Thank you so much Nirav.
Nirav Hiingu
God Bless you Divyaji.
Kala malpani
Hi Nirav, very informative blog. Will use this technique in future n report u. U always come out with different n useful subjects. Keep going.
WOW that’s eerie I just randomly decided to see where I lost my car keys(ordered new ones already) I kept thinking I lose them in either my Uber ride or at the airport.. I added up my numbers plus added the 3 and came up with 56 which says it was lost on my journey lol! That’s amazing.. do you have others besides lost object? Like missing people etc using this type of method?
Please help me I have lost my documents file in my house and have searched in every corner of the house but didn’t find it.Please please help me as that file have all my documents like adhaar card ,birth certificate,10th and 12th marksheet and graduation marksheet.Kindly help me .
Nirav Hiingu
Hi Preety,
You can use the mentioned method given in blog, if still unable to find your documents, kindly ping me on my WhatsApp Number 9769372714, i will search for you. Sorry for late reply.
Divya Dixit
Hello, I have lost 2 gold finger rings with diamonds. Can you pls help me find out. I tried the method, but somehow it dint work for me.. Pls help..
Divya Dixit
Hello, I have lost 2 gold finger rings with diamonds. Can you pls help me find out. I tried the method, but somehow it dint work for me.. Pls help..
Tejaswini Kadam
Our passports have been misplaced. Please please help
Nirav Hiingu
Tejaswini ji,
You can ping on my WhatsApp Number – 9769372714 , will try to find out your lost passport.
Surekha Arora
Hi Nirav,
I have lost my rings and one earing set in a small purse. Can U help me to find it and i will be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Nirav Hiingu
u can whatsapp me – 9769372714 , sorry 4 late reply
Sorry cant find
Plz help it’s not working for me somehow
Nirav Hiingu
You can drop your inquiry on