What is Meaning of Makar Sankranti?
Makar Sankranti is a Hindu holiday that marks the beginning of summer. This holiday is marked with a lot of joy in India in January.
Most people think of the holiday as taking place on one day, but the celebrations can go on for up to two days.
There are differences between regions. Each Indian state has its own folklore and meaning for Sankranti.
We’re going to talk about the following things in this post:

Why is Makar Sankranti is celebrated holiday?
Indian weather has six main seasons. Winter ends in the middle of January and spring starts. During Sankranti, the sun moves into the sign of Capricorn. Every year in January 14, the event is held.
When is Makar Sankranti Celebrated in India ?
Every year, it happens on January 14th. Hindu mythology says that people should respect the gods and pray for their blessings to bring them wealth, health, and prosperity. Actually Sankranti is celebrated to thank Mother Nature for providing all the natural resources on time.

What to do on Makar Sankranti?
Makar Sankranti is also known as the “kite flying festival” because the weather is great for flying kites at this time of year. Everyone wears bright clothes and is happy as they dance, sing, and fly their kites.
The holiday comes from Hinduism and is based on stories about different gods.
Hindus believe that during the Sankranti holiday, it is lucky to give and receive gifts like kites, clothes, and food.
What do you do to mark Makar Sankranti?
People all over India enjoy Sankranti in a big way. This is the day when people go to fairs and churches.
In Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and Gujarat, where people fly kites and have kite fighting events, there is a lot of excitement.
Flower arrangements are put on temples during this event to make them look better.
Why flying a kite and eating black til and sugar are important.
Black til and jaggery should be eaten on Sankranti while flying a kite. This has many scientific and cultural meanings that make it a must to do this.
When it comes to diet, jaggery is very good for you in many ways. It is a great source of iron and can make you healthier. When you eat black til seeds with sesame oil, they keep you warm in the winter and can help fight off colds and flu.

The Science behind Makar Sankranti and an astrological view.
A lot of astrology points connect to Sankranti, which means it is scientifically proven to be good.
According to Hindu beliefs, bad forces come down to earth when the Makar Sankranti firmament can be seen from January to March. Also, the Sun enter into the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn ( Makar ) hence known as Sankranti.
This is because the stars are not lined up right. Because of this, people need to be more loyal at that time.

Can we eat Non-Veg on Makar Sankranti ?
Is it possible to munch on meaty dishes during Sankranti? The answer would be ‘No’. At such auspicious festivals, who would prefer to feast on flesh when there’s loads of pious food available to devour?
But the grim reality stands out that more and more people still choose to eat more and more meat every year irrespective of the season. Check out my blog on Satvik Food and Side Effects of eating non-veg food.
What to Cook on Makar Sankranti ?
In Gujarat and Maharashtra people prefer eating Udhaya dishes made from multiple vegetables since in winter all green leafy vegetables are harvested and grown across the india.
What to donate on Makar Sankranti
It is prefer to donate Grains, Black Til, Jaggery, Clothes
Wish you all a Happy Makar Sankranti
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