Residential Towers and Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra & Residential Building: Like Commercial complex and Shopping Mall, we can see in Tier 1 and tier 2 cities, big twin towers ( residential Complex ) are built. The main reason for this construction is the lack of proper space for building the residential area.
Also, the government norms, like FSI stands for Floor Space Index also known as Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Construction Cost also need to be considered while building the Complex or towers.

To get a good business, the builders and developers spend a huge amount on digital and print marketing to acquire the lead, thus to convert into customers, but they ( builders) hardly pay attention to the Vastu Shastra Norms, therefore we can see that Maximum Developers and Architects are suffering miserably in life due to the wrong or negative creation of the vastu for the people. Hence, the Law of Karma works with one’s own intention and action.
READ: How to find the Right PLOT in Vastu?
I will list down principles for the Developers and Architect and Interior Designing Firms to consider these parameters while constructing or re-designing any vastu or space as per the norms in Vastu Shastra.

- Keep the Proper Boundary Wall while creating the residential tower.
- These walls should be minimum 4 to 5 feet in height.
- The Main Entrance should be ideally in East or North Facing.
- Parking , Swimming Pool and Tree should be located in the North East.
- Water arrangements such as Septic Tank , Overhead and Underground water tank should be kept in the Northeast or East direction.
- The garage and community hall should be in the east direction.
- The Local Shop for groceries and temple should be in the east direction.
- The Library is said to be in North East or South East.
- The Electrical Equipment and Generator should be kept in the South West only.
- School or Study Room best built in the northeast only.
- Medical Shop or Druggist should be in North East or second-best option would be in east direction only.
- The Garden should be built-in or near to the Main door only.
- Make sure to look after the slope of the plot before building the complex.
- The North or East directed slope are said to be auspicious for any residential complex.
- The Security Guard Cabin should be located in North West or West Direction only.
- Servant or Temporary Cabin for residing co-workers should in North West only, the second-best option would be the West direction.
- Gymnasium or Health Care Centre should be located in North West Direction.
- Take care that the shadow of the temple or tree should not fall on the wall of the towers.
- Avoid creating temples or mosques or churches in the residential tower.
Vastu Shastra Norms for Temple in the Vicinity of the Residential Tower:
We can see that every residential project or complex does consist of some religious spot such as Temple, Mandir, Derasar, Mosque to offer the prayer to almighty.
But the traditional vastu is not allowed to build the Temple and other religious places in the vicinity of the complex as temples consist of negative vibes because maximum people come to such religious or spiritual centres to divert its own mind and pass those negative vibes in the holy place.

Hence, the practitioners in occult and vastu shastra understand this concept and therefore they make a norm not to build temples in and around the vastu.
Also make sure big trees aren’t planted in North , North east or East Direction.The small or medium scale plants may plant in the East or North East side of the vastu.
Let me know how you find this article on residential towers and vastu shastra?
Nirav Hiingu
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