What are the Benefits of Sri Yantra ?
Once upon a time Wealth demigod – Laxmi get anger on humans on planet earth and left the planet and went to Vaikunth Dham, due to this on the entire planet goes into big depression and people went in heavy losses as wealth has been deprived by its demigod, Brahmin, Tradesmen etc felt stick and people went to Shri Vashisht Muni to find the solution to bring back Laxmi to earth.
On request of all humans, Shri Vaisthistji went to the home of Laxmi- Vaikunth Dham and request her to come back to Earth but Laxmi was very much firm on her decision and refused to come back, on this Vaishisth rishi start the devotion of her husband Vishnu Bhagwan.
When Lord Vishnu appeared and ask the reason for this devotion, Vaishisth request him to take Laxmi to planet earth, hence on request of Vaishisth, Vishnu went to Vaikuntha and request Laxmi to go to Prithivi Loka but again Laxmi refused.
This time Vaishisth went to his people and share all the incident, then all the people along with the Vaishist went to Guru of demigods – Devguru Brihaspati, Guru told Vaishith to create special metal made Sri Yantra and infuse the energy with Veda mantras, then only Laxmi will come back.
READ: Get rid of every problems by Ganesh Stotra
After performing the ritual on Sri Yantra, Laxmi appeared on earth and bless all the people and said: “ I don’t like to come back to earth but due to the smart move by Brihaspatiji, I have to come back due to Sri Yantra. Shri Yantra is my base-foundation. It is my soul hence I have to come wherever there is Sri Yantra.”
The above story is very famous in many scripts of Hindus hence we can understand the importance of Sri Yantra, wherever there is Sri Yantra, Laxmi will come to that premises.

Wherever there is Sri Yantra, there is wealth, prosperity, name, and fame. It is also been used in getting rids if debt, bad fortune, etc., According to Bharadwaj Rishi: “Sri Yantra is the complete yantra of abundances if it is made up of special metal.”
This yantra has immense power and it hides many secrets, the sacred geometry of this beautiful yantra is still unknown to many of us. Not only in India but also in the whole world, people are still trying to research and find the history and secrets behind this yantra.
It is been said and heard that Lord Tirupati Balaji Temple at Andra Pradesh is the wealthiest temple in the whole world that is because, ( before building the temple), priest of those days has kept Energize Sri Yantra in the foundation of the temple, hence we can see the result till date. It is said that there are 64 types of Sri Yantra kept in the foundation of the temple.
When the world will understand the hidden secrets of Sri Yantra that day the world will be full of abundances.”
Western Occult Expert Mr.Woodrouf
To understand the coding of this yantra is extremely difficult just like of Sri Sukhtam which contain 16 slokas, Brahmin today used to recite these slokas at Deewali but hardly get any results because according to Tantra Scripture – Mantra Mahawarna
Sri Suktam is the method of conversion of any metal into pure gold, whenever there is complete coding of this language is understandable, I bet that person will be Wealthiest Man in the whole Universe”
Mantra Mahawarna
The complete understanding of this yantra can be only done by understanding or decoding the 16 slokas of Sri Yantra.
If Sri Yantra is highly energized then there is no way that person bad fortune will come to an end and will convert man ill fortune into wealth.
Rishi Karnaand
How old is Shri Yantra :
Sri Yantra creation is of utmost importance, the 7 triangles in yantra with Bindu – a dot in the centre along with that extra 10 angles with more 5 angles formation created Beautiful mysterious Yantra.
The 3 circles surrounding the triangles are 3 importance energy form says satvik, rajasic and tamasic, in another term: Sarawati, Laxmi, Kali.
The whole world is administered by this 3 energies of Laxmi Kali and Saraswati.
Below this 3 energy lies 16 triangle formation after that lies 8 triangles which depict Asthalaxmi – 8 different forms of Mahalaxmi. Beneath the 8 triangles it has 14 small triangle depicts its 14 superficial energies centres, further, it has 10 more triangles under 14 energies centre, this 10 minutes triangles are 10 best wealth of this universe which is termed as “Sampada” in Sanskrit.
After this 10 sampada – in triangles lies 8 small triangles which are again depicted 8 feminine energies/ Ashta Durga Swaroop. Next, to Astha Swaroop lies small single TRIANGLE which is depicted Goddess Mahalaxmi and last in inside the triangle is a dot – Bindu which is said to be the manifestation of Adi Shakti Kali which is the main source of energy to this Universe.
In a way this yantra has 2816 energies centres/shakti of Parvati, hence by doing the ritual of three yantra one activates this 2816 energy centres of the universe.
There are many books written on Sri Yantra but none of them is able to codify the methods to activate these centres of energies. Not only in India but also in European counties Scientists are engrossed in finding the secrets of Sri Yantra.
More you try to understand this yantra more one get confused to the creation and functionality of this yantra. I would say Sri Yantra is one of the best creation of Indian Civilization.
How to perform Sri Yantra Pooja
Since the experienced scholar can give more insight to this wonderful Sri Yantra but I will give basic information to Poojan of this yantra.
Take a bath and sat down on the yoga mat or cotton asana facing East direction.
- In front place wooden plank and place yellow asana for Laxmi and Sri Yantra, place Sri Yantra, Laxmi idol/pic, and Ganesha.
- Wash the yantra with Pancha-amrut ( cow ghee, cow milk, sugar, honey, and curd ), then with Gangajal – holy water and then with plain water.
- Offer saffron/Kesar – Kumkum, rice, ghee lamp, yellow flowers,agarbatii & yellow fruit/sweet dishes or yellow coloured food to Shree Yantra and another idol on the wooden plank.
- Now, take kamalgatta rosary and recite the Ganesha and shiva mantra 108 times.
- Now, chant AshtaLaxmi Mantra 108 times.
Mahalaxmi Mantra to be recited at Dhan Teras Night :
|| ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं श्रीं कमले कमलालये प्रसीद प्रसीद श्रीं ह्रीं श्रीं ॐ महालक्ष्मयै नम:।।
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye Praseed Praseed
Shreem Hreem Shreem Om Mahalakshmaye Namah ||
Shri Suktam
हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजाम् ।
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥१॥
Aum hiranya varanaam harinim su-varna rajat srajaam Chandraam hiranya mayim Lakshmi jaat vedo ma aavaha ll 1 ll
तां म आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
यस्यां हिरण्यं विन्देयं गामश्वं पुरुषानहम् ॥२॥
Aum taam ma aavaha jaat vedo Lakshmi-man-pagaa-minim Yasyaam hiranyam vinde-yam gaam-asvam purushaan-ham ll 2 ll
अश्वपूर्वां रथमध्यां हस्तिनादप्रबोधिनीम् ।
श्रियं देवीमुपह्वये श्रीर्मा देवी जुषताम् ॥३॥
Asva purvaam rath madhyaam hasti naad pra-bodhinim Sriyam Devi mup-havye Srir-maa Devi-jush-taam ll 3 ll
कां सोस्मितां हिरण्यप्राकारामार्द्रां ज्वलन्तीं तृप्तां तर्पयन्तीम् ।
पद्मे स्थितां पद्मवर्णां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ॥४॥
Kamso-smitaam hiranya-praakaaraam-aardhraam jvalantim truptaam tarpayantim Padma-sthitaam padma-varnaam taami-hop-havye Sriyam ll 4 ll
चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वलन्तीं श्रियं लोके देवजुष्टामुदाराम् ।
तां पद्मिनीमीं शरणमहं प्रपद्येऽलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वृणे ॥५॥
Chandraam prabhaa-saam yash-saa jvalantim Sriyam loke dev-jushtaamudaaraam Taam padmini-mim sharanam-aham pra-padhye a-Lakshmir-me nashyan-taam tvaam vrune ll 5 ll
आदित्यवर्णे तपसोऽधिजातो वनस्पतिस्तव वृक्षोऽथ बिल्वः ।
तस्य फलानि तपसानुदन्तु मायान्तरायाश्च बाह्या अलक्ष्मीः ॥६॥
Aaditya-varane tapaso-adhi-jato vanas-pati-stava-vruksho-atha bilvaha Tasya falaani tapasaa-nudantu maayaa-anta- raayaa-scha baahyaa a-Lakshmi-hi ll 6 ll
उपैतु मां देवसखः कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह ।
प्रादुर्भूतोऽस्मि राष्ट्रेऽस्मिन् कीर्तिमृद्धिं ददातु मे ॥७॥
Upeiy-tu maam Dev-sakha-ha kirti-scha maninaa saha Praadur-bhuto su-raashtre-asmin kirtim-vrudhim dadaatu me ll 7 ll
क्षुत्पिपासामलां ज्येष्ठामलक्ष्मीं नाशयाम्यहम् ।
अभूतिमसमृद्धिं च सर्वां निर्णुद मे गृहात् ॥८॥
Kshutpi-paasaa-malaam jyeshtaam -a-Lakshmim naash-yaamya-ham Abhutim-a-samrudhim cha sarvaa -nirnud me gruhaat ll 8 ll
गन्धद्वारां दुराधर्षां नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम् ।
ईश्वरींग् सर्वभूतानां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ॥९॥
Gandha-dvaaraam duraa-dharshaam nitya-pushtaam karishi-nim Ishvariim sarva-bhutaanaam taami-hop-havye Sriyam ll 9 ll
मनसः काममाकूतिं वाचः सत्यमशीमहि ।
पशूनां रूपमन्नस्य मयि श्रीः श्रयतां यशः ॥१०॥
Manasaha kaam-maa-kutim vaacha-ha satya-mashi-mahi Pashu-naam rup-manya-sya mayi Srihi srayataam yasha-ha ll 10 ll
कर्दमेन प्रजाभूता मयि सम्भव कर्दम ।
श्रियं वासय मे कुले मातरं पद्ममालिनीम् ॥११॥
Kardamen prajaa bhutaa mayi sambhava kardam Sriyam vaasaya me kule Maataram padma-maali-nim ll 11 ll
आपः सृजन्तु स्निग्धानि चिक्लीत वस मे गृहे ।
नि च देवीं मातरं श्रियं वासय मे कुले ॥१२॥
Aapaha srajantu snig-dhaani chiklit vasa me gruhe Ni cha Devim Maataram Sriyam vaasaya me kule ll 12 ll
आर्द्रां पुष्करिणीं पुष्टिं पिङ्गलां पद्ममालिनीम् ।
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥१३॥
Aardhraam push-karinim pushtim pinglaam padma maali-nim Chandraam hiranya-mayim Lakshmim jaat-vedo ma aavaha ll 13 ll
आर्द्रां यः करिणीं यष्टिं सुवर्णां हेममालिनीम् ।
सूर्यां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥१४॥
Aardhraam yah-kari-nim yashtim suvarna-aam hem-maali-nim Suryaam hiranya-mayim Lakshmim jaat-vedo ma aavaha ll 14 ll
तां म आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
यस्यां हिरण्यं प्रभूतं गावो दास्योऽश्वान् विन्देयं पूरुषानहम् ॥१५॥
Taam ma aavaha jaat-vedo Lakshmi-man-pagaa-nim Yasyaam hiranyam pra-bhutam gaavo-daasyo-asvaan vindeyam purushaan-ham ll 15 ll
यः शुचिः प्रयतो भूत्वा जुहुयादाज्यमन्वहम् ।
सूक्तं पञ्चदशर्चं च श्रीकामः सततं जपेत् ॥१६॥
Yaha shuchi-hi preyato bhut-vaa juhu-daayaa-jya-manva-ham Suktam panch-dashar-cham cha Sri-kaam-ha satatam japet ll 16 ll
पद्मानने पद्म ऊरु पद्माक्षी पद्मासम्भवे ।
त्वं मां भजस्व पद्माक्षी येन सौख्यं लभाम्यहम् ॥१७॥
Padma-nane Padma Uuru Padma-Akssii Padmaa-Sambhave
Tvam Maam Bhajasva Padma-Akssii Yena Saukhyam Labhaamy-Aham || 17 ||
अश्वदायि गोदायि धनदायि महाधने ।
धनं मे जुषतां देवि सर्वकामांश्च देहि मे ॥१८॥
Dhanam Me Jussataam Devi Sarva-Kaamaamsh-Ca Dehi Me || 18 ||
पुत्रपौत्र धनं धान्यं हस्त्यश्वादिगवे रथम् ।
प्रजानां भवसि माता आयुष्मन्तं करोतु माम् ॥१९॥
Putra-Pautra Dhanam Dhaanyam Hasty-Ashva-aadi-Gave Ratham
Prajaanaam Bhavasi Maataa Aayussmantam Karotu Maam || 19 ||
धनमग्निर्धनं वायुर्धनं सूर्यो धनं वसुः ।
धनमिन्द्रो बृहस्पतिर्वरुणं धनमश्नुते ॥२०॥
Dhanam-Agnir-Dhanam Vaayur-Dhanam Suuryo Dhanam Vasuh
Dhanam-Indro Brhaspatir-Varunnam Dhanam-Ashnute || 20 ||
वैनतेय सोमं पिब सोमं पिबतु वृत्रहा ।
सोमं धनस्य सोमिनो मह्यं ददातु सोमिनः ॥२१॥
Vainateya Somam Piba Somam Pibatu Vrtrahaa
Somam Dhanasya Somino Mahyam Dadaatu Sominah || 21 ||
न क्रोधो न च मात्सर्य न लोभो नाशुभा मतिः ।
भवन्ति कृतपुण्यानां भक्तानां श्रीसूक्तं जपेत्सदा ॥२२॥
Na Krodho Na Cha Maatsarya Na Lobho Na-Ashubhaa Matih
Bhavanti Krtapunnyaanaam Bhaktaanaam Shriisuuktam Japet-Sadaa || 22 ||
वर्षन्तु ते विभावरि दिवो अभ्रस्य विद्युतः ।
रोहन्तु सर्वबीजान्यव ब्रह्म द्विषो जहि ॥२३॥
Varssantu Te Vibhaavari Divo Abhrasya Vidyutah
Rohantu Sarva-Biija-Anyava Brahma Dvisso Jahi || 23 ||
पद्मप्रिये पद्मिनि पद्महस्ते पद्मालये पद्मदलायताक्षि ।
विश्वप्रिये विष्णु मनोऽनुकूले त्वत्पादपद्मं मयि सन्निधत्स्व ॥२४॥
Padma-Priye Padmini Padma-Haste Padma-aalaye Padma-Dalaayata-Akssi |
Vishva-Priye Vissnnu Mano-anukuule Tvat-Paada-Padmam Mayi Sannidhatsva || 24 ||
या सा पद्मासनस्था विपुलकटितटी पद्मपत्रायताक्षी ।
गम्भीरा वर्तनाभिः स्तनभर नमिता शुभ्र वस्त्रोत्तरीया ॥२५॥
Yaa Saa Padma-Aasana-Sthaa Vipula-Kattitattii Padma-Patraayata-Akssii |
Gambhiiraa Varta-Naabhih Stanabhara Namitaa Shubhra Vastro-a-uttariiyaa || 25 ||
लक्ष्मीर्दिव्यैर्गजेन्द्रैर्मणिगणखचितैस्स्नापिता हेमकुम्भैः ।
नित्यं सा पद्महस्ता मम वसतु गृहे सर्वमाङ्गल्ययुक्ता ॥२६॥
Lakssmiir-Divyair-Gajendrair-Manni-Ganna-Khacitais-Snaapitaa-Hema-Kumbhaih Nityam Saa Padma-Hastaa Mama Vasatu Grhe Sarva-Maanggalya-Yuktaa || 26 ||
लक्ष्मीं क्षीरसमुद्र राजतनयां श्रीरङ्गधामेश्वरीम् ।
दासीभूतसमस्त देव वनितां लोकैक दीपांकुराम् ॥२७॥
Lakssmiim Kssiira-Samudra Raaja-Tanayaam Shriirangga-Dhaame-shvariim
Daasii-Bhuuta-Samasta Deva Vanitaam Loka-ieka Diipa-Amkuraam || 27 ||
श्रीमन्मन्दकटाक्षलब्ध विभव ब्रह्मेन्द्रगङ्गाधराम् ।
त्वां त्रैलोक्य कुटुम्बिनीं सरसिजां वन्दे मुकुन्दप्रियाम् ॥२८॥
Tvaam Trai-Lokya Kuttumbiniim Sarasijaam Vande Mukunda-Priyaam || 28 ||
सिद्धलक्ष्मीर्मोक्षलक्ष्मीर्जयलक्ष्मीस्सरस्वती ।
श्रीलक्ष्मीर्वरलक्ष्मीश्च प्रसन्ना मम सर्वदा ॥२९॥
Shrii-Lakssmiir-Vara-Lakssmiishca Prasannaa Mama Sarvadaa || 29 ||
वरांकुशौ पाशमभीतिमुद्रां करैर्वहन्तीं कमलासनस्थाम् ।
बालार्क कोटि प्रतिभां त्रिणेत्रां भजेहमाद्यां जगदीस्वरीं त्वाम् ॥३०॥
Vara-Angkushau Paasham-Abhiiti-Mudraam Karair-Vahantiim Kamala-Aasana-Sthaam
Baala-a-arka Kotti Pratibhaam Tri-Netraam Bhaje-a-ham-Aadyaam Jagad-Iisvariim Tvaam || 30 ||
सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके देवि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥३१॥
Sarva-Manggala-Maanggalye Shive Sarva-Artha Saadhike
Sharannye Try-Ambake Devi Naaraayanni Namostu Te ||
Naaraayanni Namostu Te || Naaraayanni Namostu Te || 31 ||
सरसिजनिलये सरोजहस्ते धवलतरांशुक गन्धमाल्यशोभे ।
भगवति हरिवल्लभे मनोज्ञे त्रिभुवनभूतिकरि प्रसीद मह्यम् ॥३२॥
Sarasija-Nilaye Saroja-Haste Dhavalatara-Amshuka Gandha-Maalya-Shobhe
Bhagavati Hari-Vallabhe Manojnye Tri-Bhuvana-Bhuuti-Kari Prasiida Mahyam || 32 ||
विष्णुपत्नीं क्षमां देवीं माधवीं माधवप्रियाम् ।
विष्णोः प्रियसखीं देवीं नमाम्यच्युतवल्लभाम् ॥३३॥
Vissnnu-Patniim Kssamaam Deviim Maadhaviim Maadhava-Priyaam |
Vissnnoh Priya-Sakhiim Deviim Namaamy-Acyuta-Vallabhaam || 33 ||
महालक्ष्मी च विद्महे विष्णुपत्नी च धीमहि । तन्नो लक्ष्मीः प्रचोदयात् ॥३४॥
Mahaalakssmii Ca Vidmahe Vissnnu-Patnii Cha Dhiimahi
Tan-No Lakssmiih Prachodayaat || 34 ||
श्रीवर्चस्यमायुष्यमारोग्यमाविधात् पवमानं महियते ।
धनं धान्यं पशुं बहुपुत्रलाभं शतसंवत्सरं दीर्घमायुः ॥३५॥
Shrii-Varcasyam-Aayussyam-Aarogyamaa-Vidhaat Pavamaanam Mahiyate |
Dhanam Dhaanyam Pashum Bahu-Putra-Laabham Shatasamvatsaram Diirgham-Aayuh || 35 ||
ऋणरोगादिदारिद्र्यपापक्षुदपमृत्यवः ।
भयशोकमनस्तापा नश्यन्तु मम सर्वदा ॥३६॥
Bhaya-Shoka-Manastaapaa Nashyantu Mama Sarvadaa || 36 ||
य एवं वेद ।ॐ महादेव्यै च विद्महे विष्णुपत्नी च धीमहि ।
तन्नो लक्ष्मीः प्रचोदयात् ।ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥३७॥
Ya-Evam-Veda-Om Mahaa-Devyai Ca Vidmahe Vissnnu-Patnii Ca Dhiimahi
Tanno-Lakssmiih-Pracodayaat -Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || 37 ||
Let me know how did you find this blog on “What is Sri Yantra”?
Nirav Hiingu
Dr parul jaiswal
Very aptly described
Thanks for the wonderful explanation
Nirav Hingu
Your Welcome , Dr.Parul.
Bishaka V Kandoi
Wow. Nice article ..didnt had any idea about it before. Thanks Nirav
Nirav Hingu
Bishaka ,
There are many ritual on sri yantra and other allied therapies , will post such articles , stay tuned to occultspeak.
Rajiv Gupta
Great work Nirav
You are already blessed by sharing such information of abundance
Nirav Hingu
Thanks Rajiv.
Superb and great
Thanks Nirav for sharing
Simply great